Розробки уроків

Theme: TV shows and programmes
Aim: to dwell on the topic to develop communicative skills, to encourage students to express their opinions, to practise in describing pictures and cooperation, to use AV.
Equipment: DVD, TV, SB, flashcards, board
Lesson plan
Introduction: Today we are going to speak about the world of TV and entertainment
Warm up: Do you remember the history of TV? Let’s retell it in short
Pair work: Please work in pairs and answer the questions on your sheet of paper
Who can be called “a coach potato”?
Name a documentary that is very interesting and educational?
Name the most boring soap opera
Give three reasons for watching TV
Give three reasons for not watching reality shows
Word map: What associations do you have while thinking about TV entertainment?


At home your task was to prepare short presentations of various TV shows
Describe a programme without naming it. All the rest should guess

Reading: Why different shows fascinate us so much? Let’s read and clarify. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap.
Love them or hate them, ………............ shows are very popular.                             Real
Why are we so interested in the………………… and in the                                      relation
…………………. of ordinary people? It’s because they are just like                         argue
us. We see ourselves in them and in their daily struggles with each
other. We all have strong………………. Towards the people we live                        feel
and work with. Often we find it hard to get …………………….. on any                     advise
problems we are having. By watching the ………………… they make                     decide
on our screens, we gain …………… .                                                                         know
Debates: And now divide into two groups and using the phrases on the board agree or disagree that TV is much more than entertainment.
I agree with you to a point
I see your point, but
That’s true, but
I’m afraid I disagree
I completely disagree
Listening: Now I would like to present you a short episode about the world famous show, after watching you are to answer some questions:
What are people’s reasons to win X-factor?
Who is chosen to go through to the next round of the contest?
How do rejected contestants feel?
Are all of them talented?
Performance: It’s time to give live performance of another incredibly popular show
Think and give explanations:
 Why do producers take ridiculous people to the show?
What kind of people watches this show?
Why is it so popular?

Writing: You know that a descriptive language is used to make our writing colourful. Divide these adjectives into 3 groups:
Positive                        negative                            feelings
Depressed, awful, terrible, wonderful, excited, horrible, spectacular, worried, glorious
Imagine that you are film directors. Look at the picture and write continuation of the story. Work in groups.
Present your stories.
Summarizing: Today we have learnt about TV shows in the UK and practiced in acting as well. Your marks are… Your home assignment is… Thank you. Bye.

Theme: Sport in Britain
Aim: to develop communicative skills, to practice the verb “take” in different phrases, to use active grammar in dialogues.
Equipment: Blackboard, chalk, handouts, books and workbooks.
Warm up: Today we are going to speak about sport in Britain. Name British sports and games you know: swimming, football, diving, surfing. Divide them into
               Winter  sports                                                                 Summer sports
Vocabulary: Look at the blackboard, read the sentences and translate them.
* I can’t stand studying anymore. I am going to take it easy instead.
* Peter wasn’t at the office today. He took the day off.
* I am really into getting fit. So I am taking part in this year’s marathon.
* I don’t mind helping you if you have taken on too much work
* I am sick of this report. Just let me take a break for an hour.
* What’s new? Well, I have taken up yoga. I am really keen on it.
Match the definitions with the words in bold.
- participate in an activity
- agree to do something
- relax
- begin something new
- have a holiday from work
- stop and have rest

Writing: Rewrite the sentences using expressions with take to replace the underlined words
1) Come on! Relax! Just enjoy yourself!
2) You look ill. Why don’t you have a holiday today?
3) The exam finishes at 2.30, then you can have some free time for an hour.
4) You can do many outdoor activities on this holiday.
5) Last year I tried to do more than it was possible and I got very tired.
6) I’ve got more time now, so I am going to begin a new hobby.
Reading: Read the text in your Xeroxes and fill in with the words from the word bank.

Speaking: Have you learnt anything new? What are the sport rules? Work in groups of three, discuss and be ready to speak about rules in:
1) golf
2) football
3) tennis
4) cricket
5) ice-hockey
Homework: Your homework is to make sentences with words and expressions we have learnt (take).

Summarizing: What have you learnt at our lesson? What is the most famous English sport?

Theme: Food around the World
Aim: To develop reading and listening skills, to teach students to use active vocabulary in communicative situations, to practice making dialogues, to learn the difference between I like/ I’d like
Equipment: PB,WB, handouts, tape-recorder with the disk, pictures

Aim: The topic of today’s lesson is “Food around the world”. By the end of the lesson you should be able to talk about different countries and different cuisines. Also I’d like to get you acquainted with structures I like/ I’d like.

Warm-up: What is your favourite food?
                  What do you like cooking?

Reading: Read the text. Write the correct question heading for each paragraph
-Where does our food come from?
- What do we eat?
- How do we eat?
Retell the text using only heading

Writing: Now we are going to practice the dialogues

1)Put the words in the correct order to make                        2)      Use the sentences to complete the conversation
 questions and sentences in a restaurant.                                Waiter: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam.
1. coffee/ you/ like/ some/ would/ ?                                        George: Good evening. ____________, please.
2. order/ to/ wine/ you/ like/ some/ would/ ?                          W: Certainly. Is this table all right?
3. water/ sparkling/ still/ mineral/ or/ ?                                   G: That’s fine. ______________, please?
4. table/ two/ a/ we’d/ for/ like                                                W: Certainly. Are you ready to order?
5. bill/ have/ can/ the/ we/ ?                                                    G:Yes. ____________.
6. menu/ have/ we/ the/ could/ ?                                             Linda: And for me the egg mayonnaise.
7. included/ service/ is/ ?                                                         W: Yes, madam.
8. first/ salad/ I’d/ the/ like                                                       G: And then ____________.
9. course/ the/ the/ I’d/ chicken/ for/ main/ like                      L: And I’d like the tuna.
10. vegetables/ you/ what/ would/ like/ ?                                W: Certainly, madam.
                                                                                                 L: Potatoes and peas, please.
                                                                                                 W: ______________?
                                                                                                 L: Yes, we’d like a bottle of French red.
                                                                                                 G: And some mineral water, please.
                                                                                                 W: ________________?
                                                                                                 G: Still, please.

                                                                                                 G: That was delicious!
                                                                                                 W: Thank you very much. ____________?
                                                                                                 L: Yes. Black, please.
                                                                                                 G: And___________________?
                                                                                                 W: Of course.
                                                                                                 G: ______________________?
                                                                                                 W: No, it isn’t, sir.
                                                                                                 G: Can I pay by credit card?
                                                                                                 W: Yes, that’s fine.     
Speaking: Do you know what junk food is?
How does it influence our health?
 Is it good? Is it bad?
Work in two groups. Find pros and cons of junk food:
We should eat fast food because:             We shouldn’t eat fast food because:
*                                                                                               *

Grammar: What is the difference between I like and I’d like? Some and any?
(Have a look at your handouts)

Listening: Listen to the dialogue on the tape-recorder and correct your variants.
Work in groups of three and make up similar dialogues. Act them out.
Homework: do ex 3 p.53 in your WB. Be ready to speak about “Food around the World”
Summarizing: Did you enjoy learning about food?

                        What new things and new words have you learnt?

Тема: У лікаря. Твоє здоровя
Мета: Активізувати тематичну лексику у власних висловлюваннях, навчати розуміти поради та рекомендації лікаря, а також давати поради; відпрацювати вживання тематичної лексики у діалогічному мовленні, навчати висловлювати скарги з приводу свого самопочуття під час спілкування з лікарем, вживаючи лексику з теми.
Обладнання: підручник, РЗ, тематичні картки, роздатковий матеріал, аудіозапис
Aim: The topic of the lesson today is “Healthy Lifestyle”. By the end of the lesson you should be able to use the topical words in your talk with a doctor, to express complains if you feel not well and to explain to the doctor what is wrong with you.
Warm-up: 1) Let’s play our usual word-game with AV. One student says a word from AV in Ukrainian, asks another student to translate and make a sentence with it.
                   2) Have a look at the blackboard. Here you can see a picture and ill people on it. Look at every person, say what he or she has and what he should do. Use the cues from the blackboard:
*Don’t carry heavy things
*Wear a hat and a scarf when you go outside
*Have a hot drink with honey and lemon
*Sit quietly and try to relax
*Take lots of vitamin C
*Try not to scratch it
*Don’t eat any more of that
                   3) One of you is a patient. All the rest are doctors. Your task is to decide which illness he or she has by asking only Yes/No questions.
Reading: Read the letters to doctor Monica about medical problems and answer the questions. What advice would you give if you were a doctor? Match the problems with the answers.
               1) Which symptoms does each reader have?
               2) Which picture shows the cause of each reader’s problem?
1. Dear Doctor Monica,
Two weeks ago, I was enjoying the beautiful spring flowers in the park when I got a terrible sore throat. At home I was really surprised to see that my eyes were very red. It isn’t a cold, but I still don’t feel right. It’s really annoying because I love playing sports but I really don’t want to go outside at the moment. What’s wrong with me?
                                                                                                   Alex King, Manchester
2. Dear Doctor Monica,
I used to eat chocolate every day. But a month ago, I started getting terrible headaches. Then I read an interesting article which said that chocolate can cause this. I was completely shocked. Now I don’t eat any chocolate  and I feel fine… but it’s also a bit depressing. Can I really never eat chocolate again?
                                                                                                    Sarah Kahn, New York City
3. Dear Doctor Monica,
My family has two dogs and a cat. I’m at university now and, when I come home for the holidays, I get a rash on my neck and my eyes are really red and sore, so everyone thinks I’m crying. I’m really worried because my parents think we should find another home for the animals. I don’t want them to go. Is it necessary?

Doctor Monica writes back
a) You are not with your animals all the time, so probably it won’t be necessary for them to live somewhere else. When you are at home, try not to touch the dogs and cat too often. They should be given regular baths and, of course, they should never sleep on your bed.

b) It sounds as if you have hay fever and are allergic to the pollen from trees and plants. You are doing the right thing. Stay inside and keep the windows shut. Don’t be too worried – you’ll be OK when the spring is over.

c) Food allergies can be very dangerous because the cause is often difficult to find. You know the cause of your problem, so you’ll be fine now.

Listening: Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. Then listen to it once again and translate sentence by sentence. Divide into two groups discuss and tell me what should and shouldn’t people do to live a healthy lifestyle.
Writing: Now we are going to review grammar. What do you know about Past Perfect? Write about something you had or hadn’t done by 6 p. m. yesterday.
 Speaking: Match the halves and read some English proverbs about health then match them with their                Ukrainian equivalents.
1)                  A sound mind                             a) after supper walk a while                У здоровому тілі здоровий дух
2)                  After dinner sit a while               b) but eat to live                                  Хто рано встає, тому Бог подає
3)                  An apple a day                           c) have desperate cures                        Здоровя дорожче за багатство
4)                  Desperate diseases must             d) in a sound body                              Після обіду посидь, а після вечері                 пройдись
5)                  Good health                                e) is above wealth                               Зїдай в день по яблуку, і лікар тобі не знадобиться
6)                  Laughter                                     f) is the best medicine                         Живи не для того, щоб їсти, а їж         для того, щоб жити
7)                  Early to bed and early to rise     g) keeps the doctor away                                     Клин клином виганяють
8)                  Live not to eat                            h) makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise            Сміх – найкращі ліки
Now choose one of the proverbs and make up dialogues to illustrate it. Don’t forget to use the proverb in your dialogue.

Crammed story. Start with “Once I got up with a terrible headache”. Use as mane AV as you can. Don’t forget about logic.
Homework: Brush up your AV and prepare a story about what should we do to be healthy
Summarizing: Did you like talking about your health?
                        What have you learnt at our lesson?
Your marks are:…           Thank you for your lesson

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